Celebrity Cribs: Slimmy Trimmy J-Hud Living Large In This 12,000 Sq. Ft. Home In The Chicago’s Burbs- Jennifer Hudson

Congratulations to Jennifer Hudson! (And possibly Punk) The Chicago singer has reportedly purchased a new home in the burbs.

Dennis Rodkin (aka Mr. Deal Estate) broke the news that Jennifer Hudson has entered contract negotiations for this gargantuan new construction home in Burr Ridge. Curbed matched up stats to locate the listing. Custom built in 2006, the owner immediately placed it on the market for $4.2 million. It’s been on-and-off the market ever since. Carried by Diana Ivas of Re/Max, the most recent list price was $2.795 million. Deal Estate reports that the home went under contract last week, but a final sale price has yet to emerge. As you can see, the mansion is built in the timeless ‘I-wish-I-were-royalty’ Mediterranian-villa style. It stands at 12,000 sf (you can always build-out, Jennifer) with six bedrooms and seven baths. There’s a home theater, a billiards room, a Lennon-esque white piano, a library, bar, five fireplaces, and heated floors. The near-acre of property includes a 6-car garage! At least 33% cheaper than the 2006 asking price, J-Hud stands to land herself a real deal.


Check out some photos from the inside when you continue.


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